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iNERTiA Sports to represent iDEGY!

Currently iDEGY works with a number of NFL, MLB and NHL teams but has an interest in expanding its portfolio beyond traditional sports to the four wheel variety and action sports.  President Matthew Grossman calls on iNERTiA Sports to help lead the way!

Technique Inc., has another successful Year in NASCAR 

Technique is fortunate to continue its run as supplier of the Team that wins its 17th Straight NASCAR Championship.  So congratulations to the entire Hendricks Racing Organization as we look forward to another Safe and Successful 2023 Season to all of our Teams.

Inertia Sports Welcomes You our Website!

Inertia Sports is online with a new website. We hope prospective clients will explore the full range of services online, and invite them to contact Inertia Sports directly to discuss your needs and how we can exceed your expectations.

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Quotes and News

"There are Only 3 True Sports - Racing, Bull Riding and Mountain Climbing, everything else is just a Game!"